Tekst piosenki 'Papa Was a Rolling Stone' wykonawcy 4 The Cause

It was the 3rd of september
That day i´ll always remember yes i will
Cause that was the day
That my daddy died
I never got a chance to see him
Never heard nothing but
Bad things about him
Mama i'm depending on you
To tell me the truth
(mama just hung her head and said son)

Papa was a rolling stone wherever he laid
His hat was his home
And when he died all he left us was alone

Rap:hey mama is it true what they say
Papa never worked a day in his life
Bad talk going round town saying
Three other kids and another man's wife
Heard some talk about
Store-front preaching
Saving souls and
All the time him leeching
Dealing in debt
And stealing in the name of the lord
I heard papa called a jack of all trades
Is that what sent papa to an early grave
Folks say
Papa would beg, borrow
And steal to pay his bills
Hey mama
Folks say papa never was thinking
Chasing women and all the time drinking
Mama i´m depending on you
To tell me the truth


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