Tekst piosenki 'Planet Of Apes' wykonawcy 50 Cent Haircut

Chcesz poznać tekst Planet Of Apes wykonanej przez 50 Cent Haircut? Jesteś we właściwym miejscu.

Jeśli długo szukałeś tekstu piosenki Planet Of Apes wykonanej przez 50 Cent Haircut, zacznij rozgrzewać głos, ponieważ nie będziesz mógł przestać jej śpiewać.

On the planet of apes
In the United States
On the Milky Way's edge
Everyone concentrates
On the littlest things
Photographing the scenes
Of some desperate acts
by other human beings

Waiting for their last breath
Searching for the saints marching scared to death

When we use each other
We take no precaution
Think each other clever
Then just carry on

Now everything is twist off
Either or it's child proof
Every time you fall in love
Think of jumping off the roof
In case you're not here tomorrow
Have you any money I can borrow

All the seeds are singing man
You're pushing too hard in the middle
Of the backyard battle plan
When I was all for standing still

Now everything is twist off
Either or it's child proof
Every time you fall in love
Think of jumping off the roof
In case your not here tomorrow
Have you any money I can borrow

Waiting for the last breath
Searching for the saints marching scared to death

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