Tekst piosenki ' Slowly Burnin Out ' wykonawcy Abraham's Meat Plow

Fast lines and demon whiskey
Redneck women on the side
Sidewindin' down the freeway
Hell bent and whiskey blind

I never knew that I would see the light
I never knew that I would feel it shine
At peace with my mind and soul
But no one ever taught me how to die

Life you know it comes creepin' up on you
Of what was, and what could be
It's kinda hard to ignore the paranoia
When death, He keeps smilin' at me

I always knew that I would find a way
I always knew that learn to fly
At peace with my mind and soul
But no one ever taught me how to die

Listen to me
I am the way

I think it's time to be movin on
I think these blind folks are learnin' to see
That we are fake and we have no soul
And we are not the messiah that we claim to be yet

I always knew that I would find a way
I always knew that learn to fly
At peace with my mind and soul
But no one ever taught me how to die

Day after day
We grow number inside
Faking emotions
And wallow in pride (x2)

Trust in me
Just in me
Trust in me
Die cast dream
Of a reality

Like the sun
Are souls they are burning out
From the inside out

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