Tekst piosenki 'Pray For Kaya (feat. Sway)' wykonawcy Akon

(verse 1)

As far girls go, she was my bestfriend.
I go to pick her up, but she aint dressed yet.
I told her that ive cancelled, so she aint cripped yet.
Just so i could suprise her, never forget get.
Three days before it happened, we were in the west end.
We were about to catch a movie, after we just ate.
See we would talk for hours, was like we just met.
We had a thing before, but now were just friends.
I told her everything, she showed me everything.
She told me anything, i would give anything.
Just to see her smile at me, or just to see her smile at me.
Wake up from her sleep so an i expect to see her whine at me.
Because i wasnt there, to tell her not to go.
Into the car that day, and end up on the road.
When that car would crash, but she never lost her soul.
Shes in a coma hanging on, but she dosent wana go.
Because shes a star out here, and yeah shes on her own.
Everybody's praying for her, she aint on her own.
I just wished that i coulda called her on her phone that day,
And told her not to go that day.
I just wana know why,
God would make em when e knew that he would take em young.
Poor girls,
One died on the scene and her name was patience.
And the rest of them were patience, had everybody pasin up and down
The hospital halls and praying and saying god dont take em please.


I dont wana leave,but they wont let me stay.
I wish i had the powers, to take the pain away.
Wipe away the tears, and take the rain away
Gona be together forever, so i get down and pray.
I dont wana leave, but they wont let me stay.
I wish i had the powers, to take the pain away.
Wipe away the tears, and take the rain away.
Wana be together forever, so i get down and pray.

(verse 2)

The next day a second girl passes away and her.
Face is pasted all over the myspace to make it worse.
I didnt know her but i know her name was d crystal.
I know your family miss you, and i cant say the words.
To describe this whole scenario, have to say it hurts.
Its an understatment, yeah im tryna pray but wil the prayers work.
Because we prayed for puff, but god still took him.
But ama keep on praying, because gods still looking.
And kaya's still sleeping, i wana wake her up.
But gods still peeping, he wants to take her up.
One of the few girls i know, that really aint curupt.
She called herself the king of clubs, i call her the queen of hearts.
Tryna reassure her friends, but deep inside my heart would race.
I wana ask her sister questions or even look her farther in the face.
Because i knew there could be news that would be hard to take.
After days of hanging on, sadly kaya passed away.


I dont wana leave,but they wont let me stay.
I wish i had the powers, to take the pain away.
Wipe away the tears, and take the rain away
Wana be together forever, so i get down and pray.
I dont wana leave, but they wont let me stay.
I wish i had the powers, to take the pain away.
Wipe away the tears, and take the rain away.
Wana be together forever, so i get down and pray.

(verse 3)

If you've got abit of fire in you.
Listen, it means uve got abit of kaya in you.
U need to use it to search for something higher in you.
And you need to realise theres something higher then you.
If you aim for the stars, and start admiring you.
And lifes to short, to live without the fighter in you.
Prayers moves mountains, so hold up your hands.
Praying could change your life, but not go to plan.


I dont wana leave,but they wont let me stay.
I wish i had the powers, to take the pain away.
Wipe away the tears, and take the rain away
Gona be together forever, so i get down and pray.
I dont wana leave, but they wont let me stay.
I really wana breath but anyday could be the day.
Because when its time to go, its your time to go.
So live your life like you know get on your knees and pray.

Istnieje wiele powodów, dla których chcesz poznać tekst Pray For Kaya (feat. Sway) wykonanej przez Akon.

Kiedy naprawdę podoba nam się piosenka, jak mogłoby być w Twoim przypadku z Pray For Kaya (feat. Sway) wykonaną przez Akon, chcemy móc ją śpiewać, znając dobrze tekst.

Znajomość tego, co mówi tekst Pray For Kaya (feat. Sway), pozwala nam włożyć więcej uczucia w wykonanie.

Coś, co zdarza się częściej, niż myślimy, to że ludzie szukają tekstu Pray For Kaya (feat. Sway), ponieważ jest w niej jakieś słowo, którego nie do końca rozumieją i chcą upewnić się, co ono oznacza.

Ważne jest, aby zauważyć, że Akon na koncertach na żywo nie zawsze był lub będzie wierny tekstu piosenki Pray For Kaya (feat. Sway)... Więc lepiej skupić się na tym, co mówi piosenka Pray For Kaya (feat. Sway) na płycie.

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Na tej stronie masz do dyspozycji setki tekstów piosenek, takich jak Pray For Kaya (feat. Sway) wykonane przez Akon.