Tekst piosenki 'Apprentice Of Legend' wykonawcy Bane and Illusion

Chcesz poznać tekst Apprentice Of Legend wykonanej przez Bane and Illusion? Jesteś we właściwym miejscu.

Na naszej stronie internetowej mamy pełny tekst piosenki Apprentice Of Legend, której szukałeś.

Apprentice Of Legend
Two millennia before brought the age of peace
Evil bound to the west in its agonizing defeat

Under the cold dark sky of the enchanted black
History brought to legend the fate of the miksa

An omen ghosting in the night as shadows crawling in the depths
Not a matter of time but life and survival

Now birth of the ancient child she lives in the ruins of past
To preserve their place in time, in life and victory

To hide from the life, strung from the neck
Forbidden steel dream and dead religion

Into the still stream of unforgiving death
Bitter clenched teeth, skill thy mind

One of the dying piercing the skin
Blade sharp wits while enemies parish

Spells of her mind, not the might of fist,
will crush the yyslan and to the mighty Kurne...


At the hands of the blade
At the hands of the blood

One of the dying, one of the dead

Unexpected one,
Rise from the grim defeat of your ancestors
The fury, the lust. the might

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