Tekst piosenki 'Primeval Oath Broken' wykonawcy Bane and Illusion

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Na naszej stronie internetowej mamy pełny tekst piosenki Primeval Oath Broken, której szukałeś.

Primeval Oath Broken
At the end of the great war the evil inhaled its last breath. The sake of honor proved victorious in the hall of Three Cities Council. Touching the heart of Midreal, the citizens witnessed the signing of an oath. The blood of man sealed the fate of Kelevara and the beginning of a new age, the Age of Peace.

For two thousand years the realm of Kelevala rested its tired soul. Its wounds of war healed while simultaneously stemming new arms to the south, Ridge Rock and Firestrum. During these quiet but busy times the oath sat in silence, tucked away from curious eyes in the chamber of miksa -- The Great Hall. Those minds who inked the parchment aged and passed on with moving time. Thus the oath fell further into the darkness, from out of sight to out of mind. Silence delivered to the new generation absurdity and ignorance. This swept the realm and calmly blinded those most important eyes who led the citizens of Kelevara, till the end of the era.

At the turn of age, two thousand years after the victory: the desperation of a paranoid elder, one who sees the truth of evils, surfaced the primeval oath from its deep slumber and brought it forth to the Lords. But ignorance was quick to turn the blood oath away with a firm hand. When justice ran at the council steps six mere months later only the darkness of Lord Kalgan was found. His defeat was inevitable at the hands of truth.

The breaking of the oath.

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