Tekst piosenki ' A Whisper Remains ' wykonawcy Calm

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Embracing the moment our lives changed, our lives changed
Eyes collided and hearts raced, and hearts raced
Setting me free, look between you
I hear the silence, I hear the voices calling me again

The end draws near a whisper remains
The sound of your voice echoing
Imaginations running free as we chase our fantasies
I hear the silence, I hear the voices calling me again

Slience is scared (set me free)
Slience is scared (set me free)
Severed our love again
Silence is sacred
Slience is scared (set me free)
Slience is scared (set me free)
Severed our love again
Silence is, silence is, silence is, silence is sacred
Set me free, set me free
Because a whisper remains
The sound of your voice echoing
The end draws near a whisper remains
The sound of your voice echoing

Slience is scared (set me free)
Slience is scared (set me free)
Severed our love again
Slience is scared (set me free)
Slience is scared (set me free)
Severed our love again
Silence is, silence is, silence is, silence is sacred
Silence is, silence is, silence is, silence is sacred
Set me free, set me free

These are reflections as your voice still echoes
This is to remember the pain in me forever
This isn't the end of everything
This isn't the end of everything
This isn't the end of everything
This isn't the end of everything
Because a whisper remains

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Znajomość tego, co mówi tekst A Whisper Remains , pozwala nam włożyć więcej uczucia w wykonanie.

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Bardzo częstym powodem szukania tekstu A Whisper Remains jest chęć dobrze go znać, ponieważ przypomina nam o jakiejś specjalnej osobie lub sytuacji.

Coś, co zdarza się częściej, niż myślimy, to że ludzie szukają tekstu A Whisper Remains , ponieważ jest w niej jakieś słowo, którego nie do końca rozumieją i chcą upewnić się, co ono oznacza.

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