Tekst piosenki 'Frederick's Experiments' wykonawcy Carach Angren

Frederick's Experiments to piosenka Carach Angren, której tekst ma niezliczone wyszukiwania, dlatego zdecydowaliśmy, że zasługuje na miejsce na tej stronie internetowej, obok wielu innych tekstów piosenek, które użytkownicy Internetu chcą poznać.

A cockroach’s decapitated head lives on for days
I’m intrigued and inspired by nature and its ways
Experimenting on insects, birds, dogs and rats
The subjects die instantly after severing their head

In the arts of life man invents nothing
But in the arts of death he outdoes nature herself

A leg of a dissected spider still contracts
This resurrects the idea of an experiment on human legs
A limb sawed off and stolen from the local cemetery
Contracting muscles quiver through electricity

Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor
Knew exactly what to do with his prisoners
Sealed in a wooden barrel with single hole
Observing time of death and departing of the soul

Two prisoners are invited for dinner at the same time
One is sent out hunting, the other ordered to sleep for a while
Both men disemboweled, compared with fascinated eyes
On the contents of their stomachs and the effects of sleep and exercise

Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor
A man with a taste for scientific horror
The quest for the primal language of mankind
An experiment designed by a dark sadistic mind
Infants bred to be raised like Adam and Eve
To be bathed and fed by mutes, words never spoken
All their lives concealed from love, care and speech
Psychotic savages all ending up broken

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