Tekst piosenki 'The Sighting Is a Portent Of Doom' wykonawcy Carach Angren

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Uwielbiasz piosenkę The Sighting Is a Portent Of Doom? Nie do końca rozumiesz, co mówi? Potrzebujesz tekstu The Sighting Is a Portent Of Doom wykonanej przez Carach Angren? Jesteś w miejscu, które ma odpowiedzi na Twoje pragnienia.

In the age of electricity and oil
My tugboat ploughs through waveless liquid soil
Cruising at thirteen knots on pitch black sea
There's a strange object on the radars in front of me
Still nothing I can see
Just an open dreary sea

Several attempts to contact that what appeared to be the size of a ship
No response 'till I receive transmissions of hostile nature
These voices cursing my goddamn name
Hell, is this witchcraft or am I insane?

All of a sudden a dark silhouette ascends through godlike mist.
While it comes closer, I recognize the image of an old deserted ship

I am aghast at the sight of a derelict vessel sailing this awkward night
Appearing like a black floating cadaver
There's not one single man aboard
Her torn sails cloaking her like a cobwebbed widow
Posing against this sad nightmarish horizon

The temperature suddenly dropped
My great-grandfather's clock, just ticking, now stopped
I am smothered by a sudden shroud of fear
For there's a ghost ship 'pon a funereal quest
With a black bird circling hypnotic around its rocking empty crow's nest

Fortunately this atrocious mystery sets sail away from me
Some sailors claim other seamen beheld such sights
Most died weird deaths during fog-clad days and nights
The ship vanished as suddenly as it appeared
Should I feel fear? Was it even there?

Istnieje wiele powodów, dla których chcesz poznać tekst The Sighting Is a Portent Of Doom wykonanej przez Carach Angren.

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