Tekst piosenki 'Easy As Life' wykonawcy Elton John

Uwielbiasz piosenkę Easy As Life? Nie do końca rozumiesz, co mówi? Potrzebujesz tekstu Easy As Life wykonanej przez Elton John? Jesteś w miejscu, które ma odpowiedzi na Twoje pragnienia.

This is the moment when the gods expect me
To beg for help but I won't even try
I want nothing in the world but myself to protect me
But I won't lie down, roll over and die

All I have to do is to forget how much I love him
All I have to do is put my longing to one side
Tell myself that love's an ever-changing situation
Passion would have cooled and all the magic would have died

It's easy, it's easy

Until I think about him as he was when I last saw him
And how he would have been were I to be with him today
Tender in his manner and my self-consolation
All I ever wanted and I'm throwing it away

It's easy, easy as life

All I have to do is to pretend I never knew him
On those very rare occasions when he steals into my heart
Better to have lost him when the ties were barely binding
Better the contempt of the familiar cannot start

It's easy, it's easy

Until I think about him as he was when I last touched him
And how he would have been were I to be with him today
Those very rare occasions don't let up, they keep on coming
All I ever wanted and I'm throwing it away

It's easy, it's easy as life

And then I see the faces of a worn defeated people
A father and a nation who won't let a coward run
Is this how the gods reward the faithful through the ages
Forcing us to prove that all the hardest things we've done

Are easy, so easy

And though I'll think about him until the earth draws in around me
And though I choose to leave him for another kind of love
This is no denial, no betrayal, but redemption
Redeemed in my own eyes and in the pantheon above

It's easy, it's easy, it's easy as life

Najczęstszym powodem chęci poznania tekstu Easy As Life jest to, że bardzo Ci się podoba. Oczywiste, prawda?

Jeśli Twoim motywem do szukania tekstu piosenki Easy As Life było to, że absolutnie Ci się podoba, mamy nadzieję, że będziesz cieszyć się jej śpiewaniem.

Bardzo częstym powodem szukania tekstu Easy As Life jest chęć dobrze go znać, ponieważ przypomina nam o jakiejś specjalnej osobie lub sytuacji.

Coś, co zdarza się częściej, niż myślimy, to że ludzie szukają tekstu Easy As Life, ponieważ jest w niej jakieś słowo, którego nie do końca rozumieją i chcą upewnić się, co ono oznacza.

Ważne jest, aby zauważyć, że Elton John na koncertach na żywo nie zawsze był lub będzie wierny tekstu piosenki Easy As Life... Więc lepiej skupić się na tym, co mówi piosenka Easy As Life na płycie.

Mamy nadzieję, że pomogliśmy Ci z tekstem piosenki Easy As Life wykonanej przez Elton John.