Tekst piosenki 'You're So Static' wykonawcy Elton John

I've a constant ache in the morning light
It's on account of night before
Some Park Lane lady in a shady bar
Took a fancy to the watch I wore

Oh but I can still remember how she laughed at me
As I spun around and hit the bed
She said, thank you honey, forget about the money
This pretty watch will do instead

City livin' woman, you're so static
Matchin' your men with a hook and eye
If you're gonna spend the summer in New York City
Ohh them women oh oh oh they're gonna slice your pie

Said, you're so static, baby I've had it
Rolling in a yellow cab
Downtown hustlers trying to pull some muscle
Ohh if they catch you, oh oh oh it could've turned out bad

It's show me what you want, I'll show you what I've got
I can show you a real good time
She's a friend indeed of a friend in need
But you'll be sorry when she leaves you crying

But I can still remember how she laughed at me
As I spun around and hit the bed
She said, thank you honey, forget about the money
This pretty watch will do instead

City livin' woman, you're so static
Matchin' your men with a hook and eye
If you're gonna spend the summer in New York City
Oh them women oh oh oh they're gonna slice your pie

Said, you're so static, baby I've had it
Rolling in a yellow cab
Downtown hustlers trying to pull some muscle
Ohh if they catch you, oh oh oh it could've turned out bad

City living woman, you're so static
Matching your man with a hook and eye
If you're gonna spend all summer in New York City
Ohh them women oh oh oh they're gonna slice your pie

Said, you're so static, baby I've had it
Rolling in a yellow cab
Downtown hustlers trying to pull some muscle
Ohh if they catch you, oh oh oh it could've turned out bad

Istnieje wiele powodów, dla których chcesz poznać tekst You're So Static wykonanej przez Elton John.

Kiedy naprawdę podoba nam się piosenka, jak mogłoby być w Twoim przypadku z You're So Static wykonaną przez Elton John, chcemy móc ją śpiewać, znając dobrze tekst.

Czuj się jak gwiazda, śpiewając piosenkę You're So Static wykonaną przez Elton John, nawet jeśli Twoją publicznością są tylko Twoje dwa koty.

Coś, co zdarza się częściej, niż myślimy, to że ludzie szukają tekstu You're So Static, ponieważ jest w niej jakieś słowo, którego nie do końca rozumieją i chcą upewnić się, co ono oznacza.

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