Tekst piosenki 'Wash The Tears' wykonawcy Gramps Morgan

We shall be alright, yea yea
Don't you cry
Don't you cry , yea

Cause jah shall wash away
All the tears from my eyes
In times when the storms
And the tides are raging high
We know we shall win, yea
We know well survive, yea
Jah shall wash away all the tears oooo,

In this time of destruction
We must hold on firm
We got to get along
Been over hurdles all of the mountain tops forward on we all are marching on we say

Jah shall wash away
All the tears from my eyes
In times when the storms
And the tides are raging high
We know we shall win
And we know well survive, yea
Jah shall wash away all the tears, ya-ay

We know we must win the fight, ohh
When the wicked try come and eat up on i flesh
We know that jah
He is the best
Over trials and tribulations

Because jah shall wash away
All the tears from my eyes
In times when the storms
And the tides are raging high
We know we shall win
And we know well survive, yea
Jah shall wash away all the tears

We keep on fighting
And fighting, ay
Gainst the wicked in high and low places
No matter what they do
No matter they try
I and i we shall overcome

Because jah shall wash away
All the tears from my eyes
In times when the storms
And the tides are raging high, yea ah
We know we shall win
And we know well survive, yea
Jah shall wash away all the tears

Because jah shall wash away
All the tears from my eyes
In times when the storms
And the tides are raging high
We know we shall win
We know well survive, yea
Jah shall wash away all the tears

Oh jah shall wash away all the tears

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