Tekst piosenki 'Business Is Business' wykonawcy Irving Berlin

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Business Is Business to piosenka Irving Berlin, której tekst ma niezliczone wyszukiwania, dlatego zdecydowaliśmy, że zasługuje na miejsce na tej stronie internetowej, obok wielu innych tekstów piosenek, które użytkownicy Internetu chcą poznać.

[1st verse:]
Abie Bloom loved Miss Rosie Cohen
Abie as a bus'ness man was in a class alone
Rosie's family were satisfied
Abie owned a clothing store, a bus'ness man
Ev'ry month Rosie's father Mose
Walked in Abie's clothing store and took a suit of clothes
One day Abie drew Rosie near
And whispered these words in her ear:

Bus'ness is bus'ness, Miss Rosie Cohen
I've got to pay for ev'rything I own
Seven suits of clothes your father took out from my store
All he says is "Charge it to my future son-in-law"
Tell your expensive father C.O.D.
Don't mean, "Come on down to my store"
Ev'ry little dollar carries int'rest all it's own
Bus'ness is bus'ness, Rosie Cohen!

[2nd verse:]
Abie said, "Listen Rosie dear
Ev'ry month a suit means just a dozen suits a year
Seven years and then your father Mose
He will have enough to start a clothing store
Then again, father is no fool
He can tell a cotton suit from one that's made of wool
Since I fell in love with you Rose
Your father is so hard on clothes

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