Tekst piosenki 'I've Got A Sweet Tooth Bothering Me' wykonawcy Irving Berlin

[1st verse:]
"Take me to the dentist right away"
Shouted little Johnny Jones one day
I've got a tooth that's hurting me and I simply can't delay
In about an hour he was there
Standing right beside the dentist's chair
And when they sat him inside
To the dentist, Johnny cried:

I've got a sweet tooth bothering me
Pull it out! Pull it out! Pull it out!
It isn't candy or molasses
It isn't honey, jam or cake
But when a sweet young lady passes
My tooth begins to ache
Like the dickens
I don't use sugar at all in my coffee or my tea
But when I meet Rosie, Flo or May
My wisdom tooth says, "Keep away!"
But my sweet tooth starts bothering me

[2nd verse:]
Johnny hollered out, "There's no one home
In the second story of my dome
Except a thousand ladies fair and it's like a honeycomb
Ev'ry night when I sit down to eat
First I have my oysters, soup and meat
And then my fav'rite dessert
Is the rustle of a skirt

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