Tekst piosenki 'They Like Ike' wykonawcy Irving Berlin

Chcesz poznać tekst They Like Ike wykonanej przez Irving Berlin? Jesteś we właściwym miejscu.

They Like Ike to piosenka Irving Berlin, której tekst ma niezliczone wyszukiwania, dlatego zdecydowaliśmy, że zasługuje na miejsce na tej stronie internetowej, obok wielu innych tekstów piosenek, które użytkownicy Internetu chcą poznać.

[1st verse:]
The presidential year will soon be drawing near
The people soon will choose their fav'rite son
I wonder what they'll do in Nineteen fifty-two
I wonder who they'll send to Washington

[1st refrain:]
They like Ike
And Ike is good on a mike
They like Ike
-But Ike says he don't wanna

That makes Ike
The kind o' feller they like
And what's more
They seem to think he's gonna

-But Harry won't get out
-They're in for plenty of fights
-Harry won't get out
-He's got squatter's rights

But there's Ike
And Ike is good on a mike
And they know
The votes that he can carry
-But don't forget there's Harry
But they like Ike

[2nd verse:]
They won't take Saltonstall and Stassen's chance is small
The same would go for Vandenberg and Taft
And Dewey's right in line with William Jennings Bryan
There isn't anyone that they can draft

[2nd refrain:]
They like Ike
And Ike is good on a mike
They like Ike
-But Ike says he won't take it

That makes Ike
The kind o' feller they like
And what's more
They seem to think he'll make it

-But Harry's on the ground
-And should Republicans win
-When they come around
-He won't let them in

If it's Ike
Your Chief can get on his bike
And his things
A moving van will carry
-They can't do that to Harry!
But they like Ike

[3rd verse:]
For nearly twenty years we've had the people's cheers
The Democrats continue to advance
Of course, they could arrange to make a sudden change
But no one's 'round who seems to have a chance

[3rd refrain:]
They like Ike
And Ike is good on a mike
They like Ike
-But Ike says he's not bidding

That makes Ike
The kind o' feller they like
And what's more
They seem to think he's kidding

-But Harry won't consent
-They'll get a sock on the jaw
-Republican President?
-That's against the law

If it's Ike
Your Chief can go on a hike
And we boys
Will see he doesn't tarry
-Please don't do that to Harry!
But they like Ike

[4th verse:]
With your permission, sir, we're anxious to confer
And we would like to do it privately
Go on and make your crack, I'll even turn my back
But if you're speaking of the G.O.P.

[4th refrain:]
They like Ike
And Ike is good on a mike
They like Ike
-But Ike says he'll reject it

That makes Ike
The kind o' feller they like
And what's more
They think he'll be elected

-But Harry won't give in
-Defeat he'll never admit
-No one else can win
-He won't stand for it

If it's Ike
Your Chief can get on his bike
Two years more
The month of January
-They can't do that to Harry!
But they like Ike

[5th verse:]
It seems that ev'ry Spring they all approach the ring
And cockily keep throwing in their hats
They always lose but then they come right back again
And some of them come back as Democrats

[5th refrain:]
They like Ike
And Ike is good on a mike
They like Ike
-But Ike says he don't choose to

That makes Ike
The kind o' feller they like
And what's more
They know he won't refuse to

-But Harry is content
-To stay there living in peace
-The people pay the rent
-You can't break his lease

If it's Ike
Your Chief can go on a strike
And we boys
Will hand his hat to Harry
-You can't do that to Harry!
But they like Ike

Istnieje wiele powodów, dla których chcesz poznać tekst They Like Ike wykonanej przez Irving Berlin.

Kiedy naprawdę podoba nam się piosenka, jak mogłoby być w Twoim przypadku z They Like Ike wykonaną przez Irving Berlin, chcemy móc ją śpiewać, znając dobrze tekst.

Znajomość tego, co mówi tekst They Like Ike, pozwala nam włożyć więcej uczucia w wykonanie.

Czuj się jak gwiazda, śpiewając piosenkę They Like Ike wykonaną przez Irving Berlin, nawet jeśli Twoją publicznością są tylko Twoje dwa koty.

Jeśli Twoje poszukiwanie tekstu piosenki They Like Ike wykonanej przez Irving Berlin wynika z tego, że przypomina Ci o kimś konkretnym, proponujemy, abyś zadedykował jej to na jakiś sposób, na przykład wysyłając jej link do tej strony internetowej, na pewno zrozumie aluzję.

Kłócisz się ze swoim partnerem, ponieważ rozumiecie różne rzeczy, słuchając They Like Ike? Posiadanie tekstu piosenki They Like Ike wykonanej przez Irving Berlin może rozstrzygnąć wiele sporów, i mamy nadzieję, że tak się stanie.

Ważne jest, aby zauważyć, że Irving Berlin na koncertach na żywo nie zawsze był lub będzie wierny tekstu piosenki They Like Ike... Więc lepiej skupić się na tym, co mówi piosenka They Like Ike na płycie.

Mamy nadzieję, że pomogliśmy Ci z tekstem piosenki They Like Ike wykonanej przez Irving Berlin.

Na tej stronie masz do dyspozycji setki tekstów piosenek, takich jak They Like Ike wykonane przez Irving Berlin.

Naucz się tekstów piosenek, które lubisz, jak They Like Ike wykonane przez Irving Berlin, czy to do śpiewania pod prysznicem, tworzenia własnych coverów, dedykowania ich komuś lub wygrania zakładu.