Tekst piosenki 'Sound Of a Woman' wykonawcy Kiesza

Chcesz poznać tekst Sound Of a Woman wykonanej przez Kiesza? Jesteś we właściwym miejscu.

Uwielbiasz piosenkę Sound Of a Woman? Nie do końca rozumiesz, co mówi? Potrzebujesz tekstu Sound Of a Woman wykonanej przez Kiesza? Jesteś w miejscu, które ma odpowiedzi na Twoje pragnienia.

One more time, I stand by
While you choose to cross the line
I don't know why I try
Should have left it all behind
Can't go on, can't rewind
Something holds me deep inside
What's the point, love aside
I have no more tears to cry

Baby I don't need you
Especially not your lies
You never let my voice through
And wonder why I cry

Maybe that's the sound of a woman
Maybe that's the sound of a heart makes
When she's crying out to the one man
Chaining her to love that she can't escape
You would understand if you listened
You wouldn't find her eyes focused on the door
Maybe that's the sound of a woman
Begging you to try just a little more

One more time, I'll ask why
You let me to waste all of those nights
Had I'd know, I'd have not
Let you step into my life
We both know that I tried
Not to leave it all behind
Even though, I explained
You still read between the lines

Baby I don't need you
Especially not your lies
You never let my voice through
And wonder why I cry

Maybe that's the sound of a woman
Maybe that's the sound of a heart makes
When she's crying out to the one man
Chaining her to love that you can't escape
You would understand if you listened
You wouldn't find her eyes focused on the door
Maybe that's the sound of a woman
Begging you to try just a little more

If you ever think of us
Maybe you should make up
Everything that you gave up
While I run away from love

If I ever think of us
I will just remember what
I went through
When I gave up on you

Maybe that's the sound of a woman
Maybe that's the sound of a heart makes
When she's crying out to the one man
Chaining her to love that you can't escape
You would understand if you listened
You wouldn't find her eyes focused on the door
Maybe that's the sound of a woman
Begging you to try just a little more
Just a little more

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