Tekst piosenki ' Battalions of Fear ' wykonawcy Lucifer's Heritage

Chcesz poznać tekst Battalions of Fear wykonanej przez Lucifer's Heritage? Jesteś we właściwym miejscu.

Jeśli długo szukałeś tekstu piosenki Battalions of Fear wykonanej przez Lucifer's Heritage, zacznij rozgrzewać głos, ponieważ nie będziesz mógł przestać jej śpiewać.

Uwielbiasz piosenkę Battalions of Fear ? Nie do końca rozumiesz, co mówi? Potrzebujesz tekstu Battalions of Fear wykonanej przez Lucifer's Heritage? Jesteś w miejscu, które ma odpowiedzi na Twoje pragnienia.

Can't believe the things I see
That happens in the state
By a mortal distance that I can't believe

Self destructive infernal
To save us from the breed
But I know that it is all a lie

Star wars begin now
His bombs come exploding
To bring back the death of the night

No mercy he's knowing
How strong he must show us
For the last film you all get a part

Be by my side
Or you have to die
Believe what I do is the right

Soon Armageddon
Last hours are running now
The final solution begins

The words of a madman
No children to tell them
For what they will not see the light

Choose by your voice
He kills and destroys
At the end you must die for the night

In earlier chess games we're playing the part of a soldier
But now we are not qualified to save our own life

The traps are all placed by command they are ready to strike, yeah
We live and we will die by the lies, a lies to believe

Try to escape from this suicide dreams
Or past time will come back again
Hiroshima is a joke to that what will come
At the end of the game we all die
Die now

Battalions of fear
They search and they scream for the American dreams
Battalions of fear
The way of R.R. to show he is the star

Star wars begin now
His bombs come exploding
To bring back the death of the night

No mercy he's knowing
How strong he must show us
For the last film you all get a part

Be by my side
Or you have to die
Believe what I do is the right

With hands full of blood
He talks about peace
With snake poisoning tongue
He's praying

El Salvador and Vietnam
You soon fast forget
But you satisfy on Afghanistan

You've been the master
You kill with a laughter
Your screams of peace are wrong and loud
Cause so we are and here we are

We scream and shout!

Your laughing about all the fools

Scream and shout!

With power of evil they stand

Try to escape from this suicide dreams
Or past time will come back again
Hiroshima is a joke to that what will come
At the end of the game we all die
Die now

Battalions of fear
They search and they scream for the American dreams
Battalions of fear
The way of R.R. to show he is the star
Battalions of fear
The way of R.R. to show he is the star

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