Tekst piosenki 'Speak Militant' wykonawcy SABAC

Chcesz poznać tekst Speak Militant wykonanej przez SABAC? Jesteś we właściwym miejscu.

Uwielbiasz piosenkę Speak Militant? Nie do końca rozumiesz, co mówi? Potrzebujesz tekstu Speak Militant wykonanej przez SABAC? Jesteś w miejscu, które ma odpowiedzi na Twoje pragnienia.

[Verse 1]
Yeah... Necro on the beat, check it, yo
We live like the city of gods fallen angels
we call it painful, memories of murdering death often against truth
I came through for money and power despite feeds talking
cruise through the 25'th hour like Ed Norton
Ported the world, the poisonous spiders feting this nature
suck the blood from your soul, control the deadliest states
it takes a nation of million to hold me back, I take aim at
at these fake cats who intercedes name and vain
I make change in the lives of the listeners, your innocence
gets coped as I'm spitting this a lively in the businesses
ridiculous addictiveness the game is sold deeper
Sabac the coalition can you keynote speaker
I'm the truth, notice what I spit on my records
Revolution is for soldiers and the soldiers connected
I'm protected by god so fuck your squad out to get me
stand up or fall hard, if you ain't with me you against me

Sabac "scratch" I speak militant "scratch" They only talking coz I live it
Sabac "scratch" I speak militant "scratch" I want some freedom by the thugshit"
Sabac "scratch" I speak militant "scratch" They only talking coz I live it
"scratch" Rap-gentles "scratch" best in the fucking country
"scratch" I want some freedom by the thugshit

[Verse 2]
They got weapon of mass destruction, buttons explode the earth
disintegrating your flesh you won't even know it hurts
the worse are addictions from nicotine to caffeine
the food supplying injected with poison affecting the spleen
cream and old cars, murder by numbers ??????
full of gunmen a hundred miles and running
the coming of god, Satan's upon us waiting to bomb us
turn us to stardust blow our ashes in the ocean
hoping for peace, folks on their knees
pray for forgiveness within this paranormal world
I choose to study mystics, bloody statistics
papers are ice as the ancient Christ
like the souls going to church give up the priceless control
life's a cold world heated by evil and world-demonics
blow erotics, twenty three, they never sided to call it the cosmics
psychotic energy got my enemies plotting a penalty
to keep me trapped and locked in penitentiary
they mention me sublimely projected on the everdee
it will be a cold day in hell before they killing me
willingly, I leave my example, fight for the people with ability
to see you we dare you that draws day beats you

Sabac "scratch" I speak militant "scratch" They only talking coz I live it
Sabac "scratch" I speak militant "scratch" I want some freedom by the thugshit"
Sabac "scratch" I speak militant "scratch" They only talking coz I live it
"scratch" Rap-gentles "scratch" best in the fucking country
"scratch" I want some freedom by the thugshit

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