Tekst piosenki 'The Deep South' wykonawcy Searching For Satellites

It waits for me somewhere in my dreams.
Pulling me away from reality. (don't follow, don't follow)
With your sweet seduction, who am I to refuse?
But you never speak about the things that you will lose.

I can't believe in something,
When failure means nothing.
Afraid to fall,
'Cause we are vulnerable.

My lack of inspiration,
Sits heavy on my chest
I'm killing time to make up
For all the demons in my past
And there's no way to tell,
What's coming back around,
And it leaves me, and it leaves me in hell.

I hold my breath, every chance I get, to see if I'm alive.
When the voices in my head are as silent as the dead.
And I won't sleep another wink until it deafens me instead.

My lack of inspiration,
Sits heavy on my chest
I'm killing time to make up
For all the demons in my past
And there's no way to tell,
What's coming back around,
And it leaves me, and it leaves me in

Well I'm miserable and lost,
In every chance I get to speak.
I hate every word I write.
I hate everyone I meet
And my guts keep spilling out,
I have no reason to be,
So get off my back and pull your teeth from my neck.

My lack of inspiration,
Sits heavy on my chest
I'm killing time to make up
For all the demons in my past
And there's no way to tell,
What's coming back around,
And it leaves me, and it leaves me in
And it leaves me, and it leaves me in hell
And there's no way back,
And there's no way back from this.
And there is no way back.

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