Tekst piosenki 'Limbo Insanity' wykonawcy Setherial

The Limbo of Insanity
The ashes flew by the winds
In a cold diabolic universe
Two worlds collide
Infernal destruction, Armageddon reign!
The gateways opens before me
I'll transcend into the dark
Where time and apce
Transforms into nothingness
Behold - the sulphur seas
Flesh - torned from within
Kill - the vermin of the light
Was - the force of damnation
I am the one - the keeper of the throne
I am the one - who was the fire born
Spoken tongues, rising hellfire - embracing by the scorching flames
Demonic creatures - tearing the sky, shredded ashes remains
My demons come in many forms - shadowed and mysterious
Enslaved by fear - the night draws near
The universe trembles before me - enthralled by my burning rage
Ancient secrets of creation - now mine to obtain
My hatred comes in many forms - shadowed and blasphemous
A world in fear - the night draws near
The ashes flew by the winds
In a cold diabolic universe
Two worlds collide
Infernal destruction, Armageddon reign!
Distort this creation of light
Into a limbo of insanity
One world remain
The infernal dominion of fire and flames
Behold - the sulphur seas
Flesh - torned from within
Kill - the vermin of the light
Was - the force of damnation
I am the one - the keeper of the throne
I am the one - who was the fire born
The gateway opens before me
Infernal destruction, Armageddon reign...
Armageddon reign!

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