Tekst piosenki ' Can U Wait That Long? ' wykonawcy Shakespear's Sister

In this faded room, I sit
I need a home
But this isn't it
I need a heart as hard as stone
I need a friend
You could be the one

You say I'm weak
You tell me I'm vain
I want a thrill to ease the pain
Put on a record
Straight to my brain
But don't you ever put me down again

Oh baby baby
My time will come
Oh baby baby
Can you wait that long?

And as the storm clouds break
I run outside to dance in the rain
You know I've always loved the storm
It's only you that does me harm

Oh baby baby
I'm gonna prove you wrong
Oh baby baby
Can you wait that long?

(Faith, don't fail me now...)

In this faded room, I sit
I need a home
But this isn't it
I need a heart as hard as stone
I need a friend
You could be the one

You say I'm weak
You tell me I'm vain
I want to kill to ease the pain
Put on a record
Straight to my brain
But don't you ever put me down again

Oh baby baby
I'll prove you wrong
Oh baby baby
Can you wait that long?

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