Tekst piosenki 'Where Desolation Is Destiny' wykonawcy Shroud of Despondency

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Jeśli długo szukałeś tekstu piosenki Where Desolation Is Destiny wykonanej przez Shroud of Despondency, zacznij rozgrzewać głos, ponieważ nie będziesz mógł przestać jej śpiewać.

Ascending to darkness and waiting,
Never again to fall into the light of man
I raise my head and clench my fists,
I make a path divine
The shadows laugh, writhe, and scream
They taunt me from the past
I've set the traps and caught my prey,
Sacrificed from within
Devotion bleeds, lies suffering,
As I attempt to make this task my last

Injure eternity
Murder time
Mutilate evolution
Spoil all, undermine
For the rebirth of the aggrieved
Where desolation is destiny

Ascending to darkness and waiting,
Never again apprehensive of the twilight
I adjust my eyes and clear my mind,
Anointed with no sight
There are inner forms and gnashing teeth
But never is there unease
Foresaw an end, made my amends,
Sacrificed from inside

Devoutness feeds, leech enemy,
Do I have time for this one last task?
Cripple immortality
The distance should die
Disfigure the future
Maim all, undermine
For the rebirth of the aggrieved
Where desolation is destiny
For renewal of halcyon scorn
Where depletion is divine decree
A closing thought in an indifferent realm
An entity forever underwhelmed

Desolation is destiny
Depletion is divine decree
Here exists all suffering
Consciousness through eternity
A shedding of skin, anxious reaction
What right have you to abstraction?
Consciousness through eternity
Mass feint born of anxiety
Depletion of natural energy
Aided by spirituality

I raise my head, I clench my fists,
I make a path divine
Hatred of self is reverence
But too much time
I've spent amongst the swine
I cloister myself on the coldest of mountains
I cloister myself in hellish winds
I cloister myself in enlightening shadows
Forever withdrawn within

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