Tekst piosenki 'Shottin'' wykonawcy Swet Shop Boys

Uwielbiasz piosenkę Shottin'? Nie do końca rozumiesz, co mówi? Potrzebujesz tekstu Shottin' wykonanej przez Swet Shop Boys? Jesteś w miejscu, które ma odpowiedzi na Twoje pragnienia.

Mitchell and Ness plus Jordans on my feet
2003, selling rocks on the street
I was selling drugs and the cops came and shot me
The NYPD 'ain't nothing but Nazis
I was at the mosque and the feds came and shot me
Stopped selling drugs but they still tryna' stop me
Yeah, I had crack in the stairwell
Then I found God in a jail cell
Yankee hat to kufi on top
Still dealing with these goofy-ass cops
'cuz I like Islam they think I build bombs
I would quit, but too bad 'cuz I is strong
I was doing lines, I was drinking wine
No pork on my fork, no swine when I dine
I'm from cop-killer Queens, kill a cop and it's fine
I read pigs are haram in the book that's divine

He had less heat when he was shottin'
The feds on his case say he's plotting
They see him on the corner like we got him
He wasn't doing nothing, but they shot him

He used to move weight down Grove
Had a mate in the freight game moved down low
But since he put his stick down [?] and grew a beard
Now the pigs at his crib are like woah!
Less heat on the road, more beef on a thobe
They think he's gonna blow
True he's hear and the youths going to Syria
Where he's heading down he don't wanna know
Feds told him they preferred it when he was just juggling
Now he’s turned into a servant of God it’s so troubling
Transferable skills that tinges up in Aleppo
Swear the ghetto boys made the government
So they bothered him until it bothered him
Got him on tape saying he should make a bomb for them
It got me thinking they wanted him too
Phone tap entrapped by the boys in blue

Salaam alaikum
Bruv, did you hear what happened to Parvez?
Shit, boy, it’s getting real, man
You know when my man was shottin' and everything?
They didn’t care about him, obviously they used to pick him up every now and then, but fuck that bro
Astaghfirullah alhamdulillah, now alhamdulillah, since he started praying, Astaghfirullah bro he’s just getting nabbed everyday

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