Tekst piosenki 'I Live In A Van' wykonawcy Afroman

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Woke up this mornin at the hotel
Rolled up a blunt got high as hell
Fucked another groupie name in my cell
Hell, oh well, it's time to bail
Walkin to the van with my suitcase
Drivin cross country to a new place,
Exit 420 get something to eat,
Greet who I meet
Smoke a sweet
Climb back on the interstate
Yes, got a date, can't be late,
Pulled up to the club get a sound check
Walk up to the bar get a long neck
Shootin some pool, act real cool
Looked at her ass but please don't drool
I looked at my watch, start thinking
Yeah it's time for me to start drinkin.

My name is Afroman
I live in the back of a chevrolet van
Everynight somewhere new
Smoking weed, drinkin brew

My name is Afroman
I live in the back of a chevrolet van
Everynight somewhere new
Smoking weed, drinkin brew

Dressin room, (are the moe?),
I get fucked up before the show
Ride to the club smoking a dub
Hoppin out the van with the woofers on sub.
It's time to go on
I'm drunk I'm high c'mon
How's everybody doin
Whick of you ladies feel like screwin
Women on stage
Security in rage
Guitar solo,
Colt 45 kickin in OH NO
Uh oh I'm playin it right
What? shit sound tyte
We want more

Yeah, break that shit down
My name is Afroman
I live in the back of a chevrolet van
Everynight somewhere new
Smoking weed, drinkin brew

My name is Afroman
I live in the back of a chevrolet van
Everynight somewhere new
Smoking weed, drinkin brew

Shake the hand of the fan
Introduce to the band
Sign autographs, take pictures
Try to be polite to these fake bitches
One of these bitches just might,
Kick it with an internet rapper tonight
Best case scenario
We get high and fuck very slow
Pass out with her ass out
So I can rub it, man I love it
Early in the morning yes yes i know
Hug my neck kiss my cheek yes she gots to go
I do too I do too
Smoke some more weed
Drink some more brew
I love my life
No stress to strife

My name is Afroman
I live in the back of a chevrolet van
Everynight somewhere new
Smoking weed, drinkin brew

My name is Afroman
I live in the back of a chevrolet van
Everynight somewhere new
Smoking weed, drinkin brew

My name is Afroman
I live in the back of a chevrolet van
Everynight somewhere new
Smoking weed, drinkin brew

Istnieje wiele powodów, dla których chcesz poznać tekst I Live In A Van wykonanej przez Afroman.

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Jeśli Twoje poszukiwanie tekstu piosenki I Live In A Van wykonanej przez Afroman wynika z tego, że przypomina Ci o kimś konkretnym, proponujemy, abyś zadedykował jej to na jakiś sposób, na przykład wysyłając jej link do tej strony internetowej, na pewno zrozumie aluzję.

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Naucz się tekstów piosenek, które lubisz, jak I Live In A Van wykonane przez Afroman, czy to do śpiewania pod prysznicem, tworzenia własnych coverów, dedykowania ich komuś lub wygrania zakładu.