Tekst piosenki 'Evolution Of Aggression' wykonawcy The Berzerker

Evolution Of Aggression to piosenka The Berzerker, której tekst ma niezliczone wyszukiwania, dlatego zdecydowaliśmy, że zasługuje na miejsce na tej stronie internetowej, obok wielu innych tekstów piosenek, które użytkownicy Internetu chcą poznać.

You rushed in, you must be blind
To feel insulted by
Words from your head
That you've derived

One chance not to fight, and be free of
Violent thoughts and violent acts
"I'm important to me"
People needing to be noticed

Satisfaction's guaranteed
Got a point to prove?
You're bored and insecure
I feel pity

Inside sneer
Words are silence
Faulty pleasures
You're now forsaken

This could be the last time I tell you
Too many years, too many times I walked away
Forever's wasted - in a revealing light
But when I find you, you'll pray and wish for help

You rushed in, you must be blind
To feel insulted by
Words from your head
That you've derived

Torn tattered stem
Seal the falsified
Thoughts that enlighten
Your own kind

One chance not to fight, and be free of
Violent thoughts and violent acts
"I'm important to me"
People needing to be noticed

Satisfaction's guaranteed
Got a point to prove?
You're bored and insecure
I feel pity

You rushed in, you must be blind
To feel insulted by
Words from your head
That you've derived

Torn tattered stem
Seal the falsified
Thoughts that enlighten
Your own kind

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