Tekst piosenki 'Fuck My Car' wykonawcy Too Short

Chcesz poznać tekst Fuck My Car wykonanej przez Too Short? Jesteś we właściwym miejscu.

Na naszej stronie internetowej mamy pełny tekst piosenki Fuck My Car, której szukałeś.

Let's go ridin, sidin, whippin and dippin
I know it's my car bitch,
you ain't trippinIt's your favorite color, on a lovely day
You let me reach right over,
and rub on your leg
I'm sayin all kind of shit, to make you smile
Put your seatbeat on, cause
I be drivin wildYou think
I'm like them other niggaz,
I just wanna fuck
But I like to get money and get my dick sucked
I ain't your average everyday little hoe nigga
And I can see through you bitch youse a gold diggertellin me stories,
about the richest man
But I'm Too $hort baby, the bitch's pimp
I come a long way from young and done the certified player
I get what I want, and I'ma holler at you later
If you ain't got game you might think
I'm a trickDon't play yourself girl you won't get no dick
I take you right back home so you can be witcha man
I know you sucker motherfuckers won't understand
See me with a bitch and say I floss too hard
These hoes ain't trippin on me, they wanna fuck my car
Now whether on the strip, or in the bar
If you put your mind to it, you might get far
No need to be a player or a superstar
She ain't trippin on you she'd rather fuck your car
She could care less about a real man
All she wants is a man with the meal plan
Pick her up in the Benz and hope she get to it
Every day is Halloween hoe, trick or treat
I throw your ass in the trunk with a bag of rats
Drop you off at Kaiser like they did in The Mack
I know you're broke, fantasizing like Mariahget a grip on my bumper,
rub your clit on my tire
You can ride on top or wrap your legs around the frame
but if you get in this car you gonna respect this gameand
I'm knowin that, I hope you know it too
Only real pimps know what I'm goin through
It's a daily mission, controllin these bitches
Uphold the pimpin, never start sympin
Got the cleanest drop Caddy for your eyes to see
So c'mon bitch and take a ride with me
Now I'm about big blocks, drop tops
White guts ending with much knock
Got loot but dough ain't even trippin on it
Got keys, to three hundred Z's, knowin these bitches
Now whether on the strip, or in the bar
If you put your mind to it, you might get far
No need to be a player or a superstar
She ain't trippin on you she'd rather fuck your car
I gave you a ride for some head cause my dick was soft
But if you ain't widdit I'ma drop you off
I got hoes all around me all day and night
And yo little pussy's just way too tight
for a big black dick like mine to slide in
I take my motherfuckin time and ride it
Cause ain't no punk bitches where I'm from
They like to suck niggaz dicks, and make us cum
So get butt-naked let me slap that ass
Play with them titties while I tap that ass
Slam your face in the pillow, and arch that back
Have you lovin this dick like it's made of crackcocaine,
and you know that costs
Can't fuck for free you got to pay the boss
Hundred dollar bills bitchI break your ass and won't feel shit
Cause pimpin, pimpin, that's my game
I got it from the O where it always rainspimp game, now it's time to roll
And take my hoes down to the hoe stroll
Now whether on the strip, or in the bar
If you put your mind to it, you might get far
No need to be a player or a superstar
She ain't trippin on you she'd rather fuck your car
You ain't slammin doors like me cause
I'm the coldest mack
From a brand new Benz to my old school 'llac
You ain't never gon stop my pimpin styleit's like two plus two, can you figure it out?
You say, what fo',
I say that's right
You know the answer nigga pimpin for life
What's a trick to a hoe, some dope to a fiend
What's a bag of weed if the shit ain't green
You say the game is forever, well so am I
You only got two choices bitch, hoe or dienow speak up, you better say somethin
Before I turn your ass back into a pumpkin
Cause ain't no motherfuckin fairy tales
Only Freaky Tales, and I tell em so well bitch
Now get your ass in the carDon't play me too close
I won't pimp you too hard
Now whether on the strip, or in the bar
If you put your mind to it, you might get far
No need to be a player or a superstar
She ain't trippin on you she'd rather fuck your car (repeat 2X)

Znajomość tego, co mówi tekst Fuck My Car, pozwala nam włożyć więcej uczucia w wykonanie.

Czuj się jak gwiazda, śpiewając piosenkę Fuck My Car wykonaną przez Too Short, nawet jeśli Twoją publicznością są tylko Twoje dwa koty.

Jeśli Twoje poszukiwanie tekstu piosenki Fuck My Car wykonanej przez Too Short wynika z tego, że przypomina Ci o kimś konkretnym, proponujemy, abyś zadedykował jej to na jakiś sposób, na przykład wysyłając jej link do tej strony internetowej, na pewno zrozumie aluzję.

Coś, co zdarza się częściej, niż myślimy, to że ludzie szukają tekstu Fuck My Car, ponieważ jest w niej jakieś słowo, którego nie do końca rozumieją i chcą upewnić się, co ono oznacza.

Ważne jest, aby zauważyć, że Too Short na koncertach na żywo nie zawsze był lub będzie wierny tekstu piosenki Fuck My Car... Więc lepiej skupić się na tym, co mówi piosenka Fuck My Car na płycie.

Naucz się tekstów piosenek, które lubisz, jak Fuck My Car wykonane przez Too Short, czy to do śpiewania pod prysznicem, tworzenia własnych coverów, dedykowania ich komuś lub wygrania zakładu.

Pamiętaj, że kiedykolwiek potrzebujesz znać tekst piosenki, zawsze możesz na nas liczyć, jak to się stało teraz z tekstem piosenki Fuck My Car wykonanej przez Too Short.