Tekst piosenki 'Bearer Of The Curse' wykonawcy We Are Wolf

Once you are trapped
Within this land
It’s hard to tell
If you’re alive or just dead
The bright horizon might not tell you the truth
Choose on a path for eternal doom

Demons rising above the mountains
Hunting for souls and your clotted blood
A simple light brings you through this gruesome nightmare

Praise the sun
Fell the warmth
Kindle this fire if you missed it yet
Praise the sun
Fell the warmth
Kindle this fire if you missed it yet
Praise the sun
Fell the warmth
Kindle and rest

You are the bearer of the curse
Seek for your soul
But without this soul
You are damned to turn hollow
Damned to turn hollow

As your destiny is fortold
One step away from permanent death
What if the gods only play on you
It’s time to move on and find out the truth

Demons rising above the mountains
Hunting for souls and your clotted blood
A simple light brings you through this gruesome nightmare

As the cold is creeping in
This flame of hope
Vanish quickly
As evil walk these roads
Your skin pale, gray and rotten
As the cold in creeping in
Death will be omnipresent
The cold is creeping in
Death is your fate

You are the bearer of the curse
Seek for your soul
As you may never find it
You are damned to turn hollow

Kindle this fire if you missed it yet
Praise the sun
Fell the warmth
Kindle this fire if you missed it yet
Praise the sun
Fell the warmth
Kindle and rest

Breath in
Breath out
Lost into darkness within a prison of fear
Demonic bonds suffocating your believes

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