Teksty Piosenek Cheryl Wheeler

Czy uwielbiasz piosenki Cheryl Wheeler? Tutaj znajdziesz teksty piosenek Cheryl Wheeler, abyś mógł śpiewać je na całe gardło, robić własne wersje lub po prostu dobrze zrozumieć ich znaczenie.

  1. 75 Septembers
  2. Aces
  3. Act of nature
  4. Addicted
  5. Alice
  6. All the live long day
  7. Almost
  8. Arrow
  9. As soon as words are all I need (or sad goodbye)
  10. Bad connection
  11. Behind the barn
  12. Beyond the lights
  13. Blessed
  14. Blue eyes
  15. Blue summer day
  16. Bone deep
  17. Broken mirror
  18. But the days and nights are long
  19. Can't pay the piper
  20. Cheyenne & Sugarfoot
  21. Christine lavin could do it
  22. Cornell's
  23. Cow pattern clothes
  24. Doctor's time
  25. Does the future look black
  26. Don't forget the guns
  27. Don't wanna
  28. Drifting in the maritime
  29. Driving home
  30. Emotional response
  31. Estate sale
  32. February
  33. First of september
  34. Frequently wrong but never in doubt
  35. Further and further away
  36. Gandhi/buddha
  37. Gimme the right sign
  38. If It Were Up To Me
  39. Paul jones
  40. The bank

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