Teksty Piosenek Backside

Znajdź tutaj teksty twoich ulubionych piosenek Backside.

Czy widzisz piosenkę, którą lubisz, na tej liście piosenek Backside?

  1. Area 51
  2. Call of the Wild
  3. Close to the Sun
  4. Computer Heart
  5. Dark Before the Dawn
  6. Endless Days
  7. Federation
  8. Flower of the Orient
  9. Forbidden Love
  10. Future World
  11. Goin' Home
  12. Hearts Are Broken
  13. Innocence Lost
  14. Into the Blue
  15. My Cat´s Die
  16. New Discovery
  17. Nightmare
  18. Remember My Name
  19. Running Out of Time
  20. Sacred Pathways
  21. Stand & Fight
  22. Story Teller
  23. Take Me In Your Arms
  24. The Calm Before the Storm
  25. The City Is Lost
  26. The Day of Judgement
  27. The Emperor
  28. The Killing
  29. The Last Survivor
  30. Through the Gate
  31. Tree of Knowl
  32. Valley of the Kings
  33. Your Victory

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