Znajdź tutaj teksty twoich ulubionych piosenek Gatsby's American Dream And The Volcano.
- Shadow Of The Colossus
- A Conversation With The Devil
- A Manifesto Of Tangible Wealth
- A Mind Of Metal And Wheels
- Acoustic Vox
- Apparition
- Aspiration
- Badd Beat
- Badlands
- Beware Beware
- Castaway
- Christmas Time Is Here
- Counterfeit Language
- Cut The Strings
- Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (Bob Dylan)
- Epilogue
- Fable
- Fall Of George Mallory
- Filthy Beasts
- Game Over
- Golden Ticket
- I Smell An Agenda
- Jay's Revenge
- Just Like Heaven
- Looks Like The Real Thing
- Margaritas And Cock
- Me and Ed Loyce
- Meet Me At The Tavern In Bowerstone
- My Name Is Ozymandias
- Nicarockya
- Nobody Wins
- Pompeii
- Recondition, Reprogram, Reactivate
- Red, Red, Blue
- Saint Nicholas
- Shhhhhh! I'm Listening To Reason
- Smirking
- Snicker At The Swine
- Speaker For The Dead
- Station 5: The Pearl
- The Badlands
- The Child
- The Dragon Of Pendor
- The Fall Of George Mallory
- The Giant's Drink
- The Golden Ticket
- The Guilt Engine
- The Horse You Rode In On
- The Hunter
- The Loosing Of The Shadow
- The Rundown
- The White Mountains
- Theatre
- We Can Remember It For You Wholesale
- We're Not Orphans
- Where Shadows Lie
- Why We Fight
- Work Lies Sex Love Fear Hate Friendship
- Yes, This Is About You
- You All Everybody
- You Stole My Story
- Your Only Escape
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