Teksty Piosenek High School Musical: The Musical: The Series

Zebraliśmy wszystkie teksty piosenek High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, które udało nam się znaleźć, aby osoby takie jak ty, szukające piosenek High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, mogły znaleźć je wszystkie w jednym miejscu.

Czy widzisz piosenkę, którą lubisz, na tej liście piosenek High School Musical: The Musical: The Series?

  1. All I Want
  2. Second Chance
  3. Call It What You Want
  4. Just For a Moment
  5. Born To Be Brave
  6. In a Heartbeat
  7. Wondering
  8. Belle (From "Beauty & The Beast")
  9. Love You Forever
  10. Speak Out
  11. I Think I Kinda, You Know (Nini Version)
  12. Over Again
  13. We're All In This Together
  14. Breaking Free
  15. Can I Have This Dance
  16. Everyday
  17. I Think I Kinda You Know
  18. If I Can’t Love Her
  19. Let You Go
  20. Little Saint Nick
  21. Something In The Air
  22. The Rose Song
  23. What do You Know About Love?
  24. What I've Been Looking For
  25. You Ain't Seen Nothin'
  26. 1-2-3
  27. A Billion Sorrys
  28. A Dancer's Heart
  29. Around You
  30. Balance
  31. Be Our Gest
  32. Believe
  33. Bet On It
  34. Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
  35. Even When / The Best part
  36. Feliz Navidad
  37. Finally Free
  38. Gaston
  39. Get'cha Head In The Game
  40. Granted
  41. Hanukkah (medley)
  42. Here I Come
  43. High School Musical 2 (medley)
  44. Home
  45. Home (Lily Version)
  46. I Think I Kinda, You Know (Ricky Version)
  47. It's On
  48. Jump
  49. Last Christmas
  50. Nightmares Come to Life
  51. Out Of The Old
  52. Red Means Love
  53. Right Place
  54. River
  55. Role Of a Lifetime
  56. Something There
  57. Start Of Something New (E.J. Version)
  58. Start Of Something New (Gina Version)
  59. Start Of Something New (Nini Version)
  60. Stick To The Status Quo (Performance)
  61. Stick To The Status Quo (Rehearsal)
  62. That’s Christmas To Me
  63. The Climb
  64. The Mob Song
  65. The Perfect Gift
  66. This Christmas (Hang All The Mistletoe)
  67. Truth, Justice And Songs In Our Key
  68. What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?
  69. Where There Was Me And You
  70. White Christmas
  71. Wondering (Ashlyn & Nini Piano Version)
  72. Wouldn't Change a Thing
  73. YAC Alma Master

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