Zebraliśmy wszystkie teksty piosenek Marianne Faithfull, które udało nam się znaleźć, aby osoby takie jak ty, szukające piosenek Marianne Faithfull, mogły znaleźć je wszystkie w jednym miejscu.
Czy widzisz piosenkę, którą lubisz, na tej liście piosenek Marianne Faithfull?
Tutaj możesz dowiedzieć się, które piosenki Marianne Faithfull są najbardziej poszukiwane.
- Broken English
- 20th Century Blues
- A Bientôt Nous Deux
- A Bientt Nous Deux
- A Stranger on Earth
- A Thrill's A Thrill
- After the Ceasefire
- Alabama Song
- All I Wanna Do in Life
- Alone
- Angel
- Anger
- Annabel Lee
- As Tears Go by
- As Tears Go by [Version 2]
- As Tears Go By Version 2
- Ashes in My Hand
- Ballad Of Lucy Jordan
- Ballad of the Soldier's Wife
- Barbara Song
- Because The Night
- Before The Poison
- Bells of Freedom
- Beware of Darkness
- Bilbao Song
- Black Girl
- Blazing Away
- Blowin' In The Wind
- Bored By Dreams
- Boulevard of Broken Dreams
- Brain Drain
- Broken English (long Version)
- C?ur Ouvert
- C' Chi Spera
- Can't You Hear My Heartbeat
- Ce Qu'a De Pis
- Chaque Jour
- Chords of Fame
- City of Quartz
- Cockleshells
- Come and Stay with Me
- Come My Way
- Come My Way [Version 2]
- Comme Une Aube Nouvelle
- Complainte de la Seine
- Comrade
- Conversation On A Bar Stool
- Coquillages
- Corrina, Corrina
- Counting
- Covetousness
- Crazy Lady Blues
- Crazy Love
- D'o La Voix
- Danny Boy
- Desperanto
- Don´t Forget Me
- Don't Forget Me
- Don't Make Promises
- Don't Smoke In Bed
- Down by the Salley Garden
- Down Town
- Downtown
- Dreamin' My Dreams
- Easy Come Easy Go
- Easy in the City
- Electra
- En Cadence
- En Face
- Envy
- Epilogue
- Epilogue (in album The Seven Deadly Sins)
- Et Maintenant
- Eye Communication
- Fairy Tale Hero
- Falling from Grace
- Falling in Love Again
- Fare Thee Well
- File It Under Fun From The Past
- Flaming September
- For Beautie's Sake
- For Wanting You
- For What It's Worth
- Four Strong Winds
- Fous Qui Disiez
- Full Fathom Five
- Gluttony
- Go Away from My World
- Good Guy
- Great Expectations
- Green Are Your Eyes
- Greensleeves
- Guilt
- Hang it on Your Heart
- Hang it on Your Heart (TV theme version)
- Hang on to a Dream
- Hawk (el Gaviln)
- He'll Come Back to Me
- Hello Stranger
- Hier Ou Demain
- House of the Rising Sun
- House of the Rising Sun [Version 2]
- How Should I Your True Love Know
- I Ain't Goin' Down To the Well No More
- I Got You Babe
- I Had A Sweetheart
- I Have a Love
- I Saw Three Ships
- I´m a Loser
- I´m Not Lisa
- I´m The Sky
- I'd Like to Dial Your Number
- I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
- I'll Keep it With Mine
- I'm A Loser
- I'm Looking for Blue Eyes
- I'm On Fire
- I'm The Sky
- I've Done It Again
- If I Never Get to Love You
- If Love Were All
- Imagine
- In My Time of Sorrow
- In The Factory
- In the Night Time
- Incarceration of a Flower Child
- Insane Asylum
- Intrigue
- Intro
- Ireland
- Irony
- Is This What I Get for Loving You ?
- It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry
- It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels
- It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
- Jaberwock
- Kissin Time (f/Blur)
- L ... Devant
- La Belle Dame Sans Merci
- Lady Madeleine
- Last Song
- Les Parapluies De Cherbourg
- Les Prisons du Roy
- Lies
- Like Being Born
- Lonesome Traveller
- Long Black Veil
- Look Around You
- Losing
- Love and Money
- Love Got Lost
- Love in the Afternoon
- Love Is Teasin'
- Love, Life and Money
- Lucky Girl
- Lullaby
- Lust
- Mack the Knife
- Mad about the Boy
- Madame George
- Marathon Kiss
- Mary Ann [Version 1]
- Mary Ann [Version 2]
- Misplaced Love
- Mon Ami, My Friend
- Monday Monday
- Morning Come
- Morning Sun
- Mud Slide Slim
- Mud Slime Slim
- My Friends Have
- My Only Friend
- Ne Me Quitte Pas
- Night Nurse
- No Child of Mine
- Nobody's Fault
- North Country Maid
- Nuit D't
- Ode to a Nightingale
- Oh Look Around You
- Once I Had A Sweetheart
- Our Love Has Gone
- Over Here (No Time For Justice)
- Ozymandias
- Paris Bells
- Penthouse Serenade
- Pirate Jenny
- Plaisir d'Amour
- Portland Town
- Pride
- Prolegue
- Prologue (in album The Seven Deadly Sins)
- Quando Ballai Con Lui
- Reason to Believe
- Rich Kid Blues
- Rien Nul
- Rosie, Rosie
- Running for Our Lives
- Rve
- Sad Lisa
- Sally Free And Easy
- Salomon Song
- Scarborough Fair
- Self-Imposed Exile
- Sex With Strangers
- Sexual Terrorist
- She
- She Moved thu' the Fair
- She Walks In Beauty (feat. Warren Ellis)
- She´s Got A Problem
- Sign of Judgement
- Silence
- Sister Morphine
- Sister Morphine [Version 1]
- Sleep
- Sliding Through Life on Charm
- Sloth
- So Sad
- So We’ll Go No More a Roving
- Some Other Spring
- Somebody Loves You
- Something Better
- Something Good
- Son Ombre
- Song For Nico
- Sonnet 14
- Southern Butterfly
- Spanish Is A Love Tongue
- Spanish Is A Loving Tongue
- Strange One
- Strange Weather
- Street Singer's Farewell
- Street Singers Farewell
- Summer Nights
- Sunny Goodge Street
- Surabaya Johnny
- Surprised by Joy
- Sweet Little Sixteen
- Sweetheart
- Tenderness
- That Was the Day (Nashville)
- That´s Right Baby
- That's How Every Empire Falls
- That's Right Baby
- The Absent Touch
- The Ballad of Lucy Jordan
- The Ballad of Sexual Dependency
- The Ballad of the Soldier's Wife
- The Blue Millionaire
- The Bridge of Sighs
- The Crane Wife
- The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face [Version 1]
- The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face [Version 2]
- The Hawk (El Gavilan)
- The Lady of Shallot
- The Last Thing on My Mind
- The Letter
- The Most of what is Least
- The Mystery of Love
- The Pleasure Song
- The Prelude: Book One Introduction
- The Sha La La Song
- The Skye Boat Song
- The Stars Line Up
- The Trial
- The Way You Want Me to Be
- The Wedding
- There Is A Ghost
- They Never Will Leave You
- This Little Bird
- This Love Is Real
- This Time
- Time Takes Time
- Times Square
- To Autumn
- To the Moon
- Tomorrow's Calling
- Tower of Song
- Trouble in Mind (Reprise)
- Trouble in Mind (The Return)
- Truth, Bitter Truth
- Un Piccolo Cuore
- Vagabond Ways
- Vanilla O'Lay
- Vieil Aller
- Visions of Johanna
- Wait For Me Down by the River
- Want To Buy Some Illusions
- What Have I Done Wrong
- What Have They Done to the Rain
- What´s The Hurry
- What's The Hurry
- When I Find My Life
- Wherever I Go
- Who Will Take My Dreams Away ?
- Why Did We Have To Part
- Why'd Ya Do It
- Why'd Ya Do It?
- Wild Mountain Thyme
- Wilder Shores of Love
- Witches' Song
- With You in Mind
- Without Blame
- Working Class Hero
- Wrong Road Again
- Yesterday
- Yesterdays
- You Can't Go Where the Roses
- You Can't Go Where the Roses Go
- Young Girl Blues
Marianne Evelyn Gabriel Faithfull (ur. 29 grudnia 1946 w Hampstead w Londynie) – brytyjska piosenkarka, autorka tekstów piosenek, aktorka.
Możliwe, że nie jesteś wielkim fanem Marianne Faithfull, być może jesteś tu tylko dla jednej piosenki Marianne Faithfull, która ci się podoba, ale rozejrzyj się po pozostałych, mogą cię zaskoczyć.
Polecamy zapoznanie się ze wszystkimi tekstami piosenek Marianne Faithfull, możesz zakochać się w niektórych, których jeszcze nie znałeś.
Teksty piosenek Marianne Faithfull często podążają za pewnymi wzorcami, które możesz odkryć, jeśli dobrze się przyjrzysz. Czy jesteś gotowy, aby dowiedzieć się, jakie one są?
Mamy nadzieję, że spodobają ci się te teksty piosenek Marianne Faithfull i że okażą się dla ciebie przydatne.
Jeśli znalazłeś na tej liście piosenkę Marianne Faithfull, która ci się podoba, podziel się nią ze swoimi bliskimi.