Znajdź tutaj teksty twoich ulubionych piosenek Squeeze.
Czy widzisz piosenkę, którą lubisz, na tej liście piosenek Squeeze?
Tutaj możesz dowiedzieć się, które piosenki Squeeze są najbardziej poszukiwane.
- Tempted
- Last Time Forever
- F-hole
- Heaven Knows
- (This could be) the last time
- 853-5937
- A moving story
- Action speaks faster
- Ain't it sad
- Annie Get Your Gun
- Another Nail For My Heart
- Bang bang
- Big beng
- Black Coffee In Bed
- Blood and Guts
- Bonkers
- Break my heart
- By your side
- Can of worms
- Christmas Day
- Cigarette Of A Single Man
- Cold shoulder
- Cool For Cats
- Crying in my sleep
- Cupid's toy
- Daphne
- Domino
- Donkey talk
- Dr. Jazz
- Electric trains
- Elephant girl
- Everything in the world
- Farfisa Beat
- Fingertips
- First thing wrong
- Footprints
- Funny how it goes
- Get smart
- Gone to the dogs
- Goodbye Girl
- Got to me
- Great escape
- Grouch of the day
- Hard to Find
- Heartbreak
- Heartbreaking world
- Heaven
- Here comes that feeling
- Hesitation
- His house her home
- Hits of the year
- Hop, skip and jump
- Hope fell down
- Hourglass
- House of love
- I can't get up anymore
- I can't hold on
- I learnt how to pray
- I must go
- I Think I'm Go-Go
- I want you
- I won't ever go drinking again
- I've returned
- If I Didn't Love You
- If It's Love
- Images of loving
- In quintessence
- In the morning
- In today's room
- Is it too late
- Is That Love?
- It's not cricket
- It's over
- It's so dirty
- Jolly comes home
- King George Street
- La Isla Bonita
- Labelled With Love
- Letting go
- Little king
- Long face
- Lost for words
- Love Circles
- Love's a four letter word
- Love's crashing waves
- Loving you tonight
- Maidstone
- Man for all seasons
- Melody motel
- Messed around
- Misadventure
- Model
- Mumbo jumbo
- Night Nurse
- No Place Like Home
- On my mind tonight
- Onto the Dance Floor
- Out Of Control
- Out of touch
- Peyton place
- Piccadilly
- Picking up the pieces
- Pinocchio
- Play on
- Points of view
- Pulling Mussels
- Pulling Mussels From The Shell
- Remember what
- Revue
- Rose I said
- Satisfied
- Separate beds
- Sex Master
- She doesn't have to shave
- Short break
- Slap And Tickle
- Slaughtered, gutted and heartbroken
- Sleeping with a friend
- Slightly drunk
- Some Americans
- Some fantastic place
- Someone else's bell
- Someone else's heart
- Sound asleep
- Spanish guitar
- Splitting into three
- Squabs on forty fab
- Stranger than the stranger on the shore
- Striking Matches
- Strong In Reason
- Sunday street
- Take Me I'm Yours
- Talk to him
- Tears for attention
- Temptation for love
- The apple tree
- The call
- The day I get home
- The elephant ride
- The fortnight saga
- The prisoner
- The truth
- The very first dance
- The waiting game
- There at the top
- There is a voice
- There's no tomorrow
- Third rail
- This summer
- To be a dad
- Tongue like a knife
- Touching me, touching you
- Tough love
- True colours (the storm)
- Trust Me To Open My Mouth
- Up The Junction
- Vanity fair
- Vicky Verky
- Wagon train
- Walk a straight line
- Walk away
- Wedding bells
- What the butler saw
- What's wrong with this picture?
- When love goes to sleep
- When the hangover strikes
- Who are you?
- Wicked and cruel
- Within these walls of without you
- Without you here
- Woman's world
- Wrong Side Of The Moon
- You can't hurt the girl
Squeeze – brytyjski zespół rockowy, działający w latach 1974–1982, 1985–1999 i od 2007.
Teksty piosenek Squeeze często podążają za pewnymi wzorcami, które możesz odkryć, jeśli dobrze się przyjrzysz. Czy jesteś gotowy, aby dowiedzieć się, jakie one są?
Aby odkryć wzorce w piosenkach Squeeze, wystarczy dokładnie przeczytać ich teksty, zwracając uwagę nie tylko na to, co mówią, ale także na to, jak są skonstruowane.
Analiza tekstów piosenek Squeeze może być bardzo zabawna, a jeśli lubisz komponować, może pomóc ci znaleźć formuły do tworzenia własnych kompozycji.
Czasami piosenki Squeeze pomagają nam wyrazić to, co myślimy lub czujemy. Czy tak jest w twoim przypadku?